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Lois McMaster BUJOLD
Answers to questions of Russian fans
October, 16, 2000
Questions was composed by A.Hodosh & A.Balabchenkov
Is the planet Barrayar called in honor of the ruling family VorBarra or vice versa? As the Imperium
existed not from the first days of the Time of Isolation what was the planet's previous name?
I dont know. I make up my backgrounds as needed for the tale Im writing, and I dont fix the
details until they are needed (they might, after all, need to be something else.) So we wont find out
until I set a tale in that period, which doesnt look likely to happen any time soon.
Is the Imperial Security an independent department submitted directly to the Emperor through
ImpSec Chief or is it merely one of military branches submitted to General Staff?
ImpSec reports directly to the Emperor, but co-operates with other intelligence-gathering and
security departments -- when it pleases to do so. Said other departments are required to cooperate
with ImpSec, however. Service Security, mentioned somewhere, is the military police.
Is the Municipal Guard a division of ImpSec or not?
No. Any municipal guard is that citys police force.
Is the Municipal Guard Chief of Vorbarra District position, which is occupied either by Count Vorbonn
("Barrayar") or by Lord Vorbon the Younger ("Civil Campaign"), hereditary?
Probably not, but nepotism being what it is on Barrayar, I wouldnt be surprised to learn that some
jobs tend to run in families, being handed down from father to son, etc.
What is the Galaxy common language? English or not?
It depends on the region. In Miless neck of the woods, it appears to be English. Some English-
descended dialect may be the interstellar lingua franca the way English is the language of international
air traffic, for the same practical reasons (it got there first, everybody needs to be able to communicate
with everyone else for safety reasons, whatever.) I havent explored the probable effects of really good
automatic/computerized real-time translations that we may presume would be developed by then,
except in passing at that dinner scene in Brothers in Arms where the earbugs were late arriving.
It's said in "Shards of Honor" that Ministries are in opposition to the Counts.
How real is the hypothesis that the Ministry of Political Education was founded by Ezar Vorbarra
himself to control the Vor army and to prevent the military coup-d'etat (as the one which let him to
I suspect the Ministry was inherited from Dorca via Yuri, and re-vamped by Ezar to meet his current
needs, evolving and changing over time and with each Emperor.
What is the system (chain) of military ranks in Barrayar? It's rather difficult to understand, because
there are navy and army ranks at the same time and there is a contradiction in ranks chain, for
- Illyan was promoted to Captain from Commander;
- Miles became a Captain after being a Lieutenant;
- Aristede Vorkalloner was a Lieutenant Commander at first and then he was promoted to
My theory is that Barrayar retained all the names of the various ranks when they went to a combined
service, so what you call a man can interchange depending on his assignment of the moment. Thus,
he might be a (navy) Captain one day and an (army) Colonel the next. Very confusing to non-
Barrayarans, but the Barrayarans are used to it. You may be quite sure that, somewhere, all these
floating verbal monikers are gridded to a strict numerical ranking with pay rates and seniority factored
in. Those color-coded plastic collar tabs doubtless reflect this, not the verbal names.
What was a Privy Council destroyed by Yuri the Mad? What was the role of this structure in
Barrayar's political life? Who were its members? Did it exist under Ezar and Gregor?
I would have to write a novel, or at least a novella, to find that out.
Why is that destroying named "Defenestration" - is it a metaphor or did the mad Emperor throw them all
through the window?
The window, of course. Why do you think hes called Mad? Messy, that. Although the actual hands-
on pitching of bodies may have been by his thuggish bodyguards or other assistants at his order,
Im pretty sure Yuri was physically present in the room at the time.
I have a little back-story on Princes Yuri and Xav. I figure that while Xav was out running around the
wormhole nexus getting foreign aid for Barrayar against the Cetagandans, a sort of cross between
Peter the Great and Benjamin Franklin, and getting more and more civilized as a result, Yuri was
back home in the trenches actually doing the down-and-dirty fighting, and growing more and more
traumatized and brutal. By the end of the war, the brothers were almost strangers to one another.
As to the Lord Protector's name.
Since there was a General Vorhartung (whose name was given to the battle cruiser) so "Vorhartung" is
not only a place-name (toponim) but a family name. The Castle Vorhartung may be called after its
owner, and thus he was a Count but not an ordinary Vor.
Well, he was a Vor who had a castle, once. I dont know if he was a count or not.
Why is the Council of Counts held it the building owned by one of them?
It is now owned, as it were, by all of them; its government-owned, in other words.
Maybe it's the Lord Protector's (a.k.a. Council Speaker) title.
I dont think so.
In this case the Counts Vorhartung should have given their family castle at the Council disposal and
have got the eternal right to hold its Sessions.
Buildings change hands and purposes over time. Maybe the Vorhartungs were on the wrong side of a
war, or a lawsuit, or the family simply died out and the property reverted to the Imperium (its good
condition suggests the latter.) I mean, look at The Hermitage, for example.
Are there numerous colored races in LMB Universe?
Only three Mulattos and one Eurasian ("Brazilian Chinese") were mentioned. How could the American
writer avoid the of being "politically incorrect"... or correct?
There are lots more races, mixed race, and non-white characters mentioned in passing than that. See
the Bharaputras, the Duronas, Captain Arata, etc.
In Barrayar and Beta Colonys cases, its simply a result of their colonization histories. Both were, in
quite different ways, lost colonies. The original colonizing groups were likely up to 80%
Caucasian, and the minority racial phenotypes present among the founders were subsumed over
Race is an arguable concept anyway in a universe where anyone can alter any genetic trait at will in
their offspring, and, with rather more medical difficulty, even in themselves.
Incidentally, despite her appearing as blond on the Russian cover, Fiametta Beneforte, heroine of The
Spirit Ring, is black.
Here is our version of Vorloupoulos's
Law based on the information provided in your books.
How far off the mark are we?
Seems pretty much OK to me.
1. Only Vors - "The Sinews of the Imperium, the Emperor's Right Arm" - are permitted to own
personal weapons.
I suspect arrangements and adjustments can be made by mutual agreement among all parties, in
CONSEQUENCE: a prole is not permitted to own personal weapon.
2. Emperor's Vassal Secundus (Count or Count's heir) can issue the prole with his own weapon in
exchange for an armsman oath.
CONSEQUENCE: if somebody who wasn't confirmed as a Count or Count's heir receives an
Armsman's oath, it is a crime.
3. An armsman is entirely submitted to his liege-lord, and the lord is entirely responsible for him
CONSEQUENCE 1: the liege-lord is entirely responsible for his armsman's weapon using.
CONSEQUENCE 2: all charges against armsman must be addressed only to his liege-lord
CONSEQUENCE 3: as this submittence is absolute people who are on actual Imperial Service or
who brought a lifetime oath to the Emperor (like Vors) cannot be armsmen.
4. Because armsmen serve as a personal guard of their liege-lord, their number cannot be more than twenty.Thats a new rule from Dorcas time, when he basically eliminated livery and maintenance in the British legal phrase, or in other words, private armies. For obvious historico-political reasons, I would think.
In "The Warrior Apprentice" a strange chain of inheritance was mentioned:
Count Aral Vorkosigan -> Miles -> Ivan Vorpatril -> Lord Vortain -> Count Vordrozda.
What's the relationship between Ivan and Vortain?
I dont remember. I made that stuff up in, lets see, 1984. 16 years ago.
How is it possible that a single person (Vordrozda) could rule two Districts at the same time and have
two votes in Council?
Early carelessness on the Author's part. I'm quite certain rules now exist on
Barrayar (though they may not have, in the historical past) to prevent such
concentrations of power.
Ivan Vorpatril - is it a common Russian name "Ivan" (like czar Ivan the Terrible) or just a
coincidence (like Ivangoe)?
I try to use as many ethic names as possible to reflect Barrayars colonization history. French,
Russian, Greek, and British names thus should appear a lot, with an odd smattering of names of totally
unrelated ethnic origins depending on who chanced to be among the 50,000 Firsters.
You mentioned a lot of Barrayarian native plants. Are there
any native animals except bugs?
I mentioned horned hoppers at one point, something I envision as being about the size of a toad.
If there are any, do you think they are big and dangerous?
I dont think there are any big dangerous land animals. There is, presumably, a whole ecosystems
worth of little critters out there. I feel there may be some big sea animals.
What is the level of Barrayarian technology, especially weaponry, by the end of the Time of
Isolation? Can it be compared to any Earth centuries (15th, 18th, or 20th)? Were fire-arms or
swords wide spread, common, and popular?
Firearms were back well before the end of the ToI, as was water power. Steam, I think, was just being
re-developed at the end of the Time of Isolation, with electricity hovering in the wings. Also balloon
flight. If Barrayar had not been re-discovered by the galactics, I think it would still have had a home-
grown industrial revolution in the century following Dorcas re-unification of the planet.
"The Warrior Apprentice": how could Count Vordrozda bring his needler to the Council Chamber?
What for? Was it his hobby to take arms along everywhere? :) We know for sure that everybody
was checked against weapon so how did he manage to hide his one and why its energy pack not
show on the security monitors in the Council Chamber? He did not expect Miles to come so who
was he going to turn the needler against? Was the Emperor his target?
I dont know. (Written in 1984, remember.) I could probably make up a backstory to account for it all,
but wouldnt you rather I spent my time and energy writing something new?