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Lois McMaster Bujold

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LMB books induce on reflections - and in the most different occasions. Here you can get acquainted with the reflections, caused by it.

The collection of small but interesting messages and clauses: several opponents advance their difference opinions about the same subject. Some texts are serious speculations, the others are practice jokes or provocations.
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Critical clauses and state-of-the-art reviews
We have collected here the set of the reviews on Vorkosigan Saga. Check up if your impression from these books coincides with with the critic's one.

  • V. Goncharov, Reviews of many novels - "Shards of Honor" "The Warrior Apprentice", "Ethan of Athos" "Komarr" "Falling Free".
    I think there is the most numerous collection of reviews on Bujold's books issued from one person's pen (in Russian, of course!). These references are not enthusiastic, but quite benevolent.
    But be careful - it seems that its author try to retell us the book's plot beforehand!
  • V. Vladymirsky, "The Way of Barrayar". This is a review of this novel in particular and of the entire Saga at the same time. "Miles Vorkosigan and The Yellow Brick Road" - the review of "A Civil Campaign"; by the critic's point of view, Bujold merely delays a reader's parting with his favorite hero.
  • A Hodosh, "A Collection of mistakes" As you compare AST translations with the English source, you immediately find out serious lacks in Russian texts. This is the cause to starting our project "Let's translate Bujold anew!" (the details see here)
  • A Hodosh, "War or Peace?" This review of "A Civil Campaign" is an attempt to prove that the last LMB novel is not merely a "love story".
  • M. Korkin , Reviews of "Baen"'s books - "The Vor Game" and "Borders of Infinity". The earliest mention of LMB in Russian that I managed to find. (1992! - three years before the first translated book by AST Publishing). The names sound unusually, there are actual mistakes in retelling the plot... And nevertheless thanks to the author.
  • The collection of brief notices from "Esli" ("If") magazine.
  • Some another reviews of "A Civil Campaign" - two small ones (by M.Galina and M. Koshkin) and the detailed, full-length one by R.Arbitman.
    They are unified here because all three of critics with one mind name this book "a love story". But the novel rather repeats the "Shards of Honor"'s romantic plot, and this last book quite cannot be reproached for its sentimentality!
  • G.Sokolov - review of "Memory", published in the "Semechki" fanzin.
    One of readers reply to it by as follows: "... Maybe it's the sign of critic's professional skill - to discourse upon a book and even to be ignorant of its hero's name?"
  • D.Shumakov is sure that LMB books have won all awards only due to political correcsy.

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