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Lois McMaster Bujold
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Рассылка 'Русский сайт Лоис Буджолд на "Лавке Миров"'

L.M.Bujold and her booksLois McMaster Bujold (named by her fans merely "LMB") is one of the most popular modern SF writers. She is famous for "Vorkosigan Saga" - a cycle of the novels mostly telling about Miles Vorkosigan' adventures. Miles is a son of a high rank grandee from Barrayar, a militarized planet. This charming, ingenious, intolerable and hyperactive hero has brought to her books a wide world fame, four "Hugo"s, two "Nebula"s and million copies of the editions.

Bujold writes books about future - about the world, which is a thousand years away from ours. But this world is not so fantastic. It's suspiciously similar to our present one. It doesn't deals either with problems of First Contact, or with the fashionable idea of virtual reality, or with something else such global. First of all Bujold Nexus is based on exceptionally attractive human characters. At the same time these Worlds are amazingly detailed and various. However, you'd better read yourselves...

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Updated 20/05/2002


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